
Living with Vertigo

By Alyssa Knutti June 19, 2019

This article is for parents and caregivers. It's about my diagnosis of vertigo and how I've been managing it. 

Back in 2008; I went to an urgent care feeling sick, once there they discovered I had Benign Positional Vertigo (or BPV). What is BPV? Essentially, there are crystals in your inner ear that are aligned and in some instances; those crystals will get out of alignment causing vertigo. Vertigo can manifest in different forms. For me, I feel like I am on a swing that is going back and forth continuously until it finally slows down. I usually get it just in one eye (I know it sounds weird, but that is where I feel it the most) I typically get flares every once in awhile, like if I've been sick, or if I move my head a certain way, or get up too quickly. 

This past February, I got a horrible case of vertigo. I couldn't stop it with my normal exercises. It was ongoing and I was nauseous, dizzy and miserable for several days until I finally went back to urgent care. I was referred to a physical therapist; and that was the best thing that has happened!  My physical therapist, Mary, at Onondaga Physical Therapy was kind and so helpful. We did Brandt-Daorff exercises, an exercise I call the B exercise, a dot exercise. 

Along with physical therapy, I noticed my vision was off with my glasses and I thought maybe a new prescription would help with my vertigo. It did to an extent, but then a new problem related to my eyes emerged. I'm hopeful after all of this, my vertigo will be gone. 

I still get small bouts of it, but with the exercises I was taught, drinking more water and trying to rest more (who am I kidding, rest doesn't happen), I am able to fend off the bouts pretty quickly. I also am more aware of what for me triggers the vertigo. So, I steer clear of swings, roller coasters (a huge bummer because I love them), swinging my children around, standing up too quickly, and extending too far. 

I wanted to share this with you so if you ever experience it or know someone who does, you can send them this article and maybe it will help a little bit.