
Top 5 Favorite Board Games

By Alyssa Knutti January 29, 2019

When it's too cold to go outside or we are having a quiet weekend at home, my family brings out their favorite board games. Below are our top 5 favorite board games. 

1. Mouse Trap

Why my kids like it: They love to try and trap each others mice, and like building it along the way.

Why I like it: It's easy to play, not too complicated and it's fun to put together the obstacle course/mouse trap.

2. Candy Land

Why my kids like it: Easy to play and fun to try to be first. (My kids are competitive)

Why I like it: It teaches colors and counting.

3. I Spy BusyTown Edition

Why my kids like it: It's fun and it challenges them to think about working together.

Why I like it: It is a cooperative game, meaning no one 'wins', you have to work together to accomplish the goal.

4. Trouble

Why my kids like it: They like popping the bubble to hear the loud noise it makes.

Why I like it: It is a good start to other board games.

5. Sum of Which

Why my kids like it: It teaches math in a fun way.

Why I like it: Math learning made fun. This is a game my step-mom gave us that one of her congregation members created. 

What are your family's favorite board games?